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Frequently asked questions for ISF Filing
How much is the ISF Filing?The ISF Filing is $110, this includes the ISF Filing to customs and the ISF Bond. For importers who already possess a Continuous Bond with customs. The filing fee is $50.
What documents are required to file the ISF?To file the ISF, the Invoice and the ISF info sheet provided by your seller is required. In addition 2 forms of ID is required. One proof will be your drivers license or state ID, and addditional proof of Tax ID number.
How long does it take to complete the ISF Filing?The ISF Filing to Customs can be completed the same day when all the required documents are provided to us to file.
When should I file the ISF?The ISF is best to file as soon as your seller or shipper provides you the ISF info sheet. U.S. Customs requires the ISF to be filed 24 hours before loading of vessel. Any late shipments must also file the ISF or goods will be held by customs when arrived.
What is Customs Clearance?Customs clearance is required to be filed with U.S. Customs the calculated import duty and shipment details via form 7501 + 3461. These are submitted electronically to customs for them to review shipment details and to pay for import duty. Customs clearance service is quoted separately from ISF Filing.
What is the ISF Bond, do I need it? "The ISF Filing to U.S. Customs required a bond to be on file with the ISF submission. For importers which do not have a Continuous Bond, the ISF Bond can be obtained for single shipment ISF Filing. The ISF Bond is not be be confused with the Single Entry Bond for customs clearance. Bonds are required by Customs to safeguard their financial interests in the case of penalties or fine issued for non compliance of import regulations.
Do I need a Continuous Bond?Continuous Bonds are used by frequent Importers with high volume activity. The cost of the Continuous Bond ranges from $300-500 per year varied by which company you obtain from. For one time or small importers, the ISF Bond with Single Entry Bond is more cost effective if not importing high volume.
I am late to file the ISF, will Customs fine me $5,000?"Customs reserves the right to issue penalty for late ISF Filings. Not all late ISF's will be automatically fined by Customs. Each shipment will be reviewed by Customs along with the Importers past history. Importers who have a long history of late ISF's are at a higher risk of penalty. Importers who are late the first time, or even 2nd the risk of penalty is low, but Customs always has the right to issue on the first occurance.
Who is responsible to file the ISF? The Seller or Importer?The Importer is responsible to ensure the ISF is filed on time and accurately as per Customs regulations.
How will I get my goods or know where to pick up?Your customs clearing agent will coordinate and oversee all aspects of your shipment. When the goods are near arrival, pick up instructions will be provided once goods are customs released and arrived to the warehouse or port terminal.
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